
catching up!

24 April, 2010

Drunk Duck

I apologize but there will be no update this week. This is an effort to start a two week archive back up again (I'm literally doing these pages the day before they're supposed to post. I really don't like that).

In addition, next week's post will also be a filler as DD takes a week back from the main site at Spiderforest. Monday May 2nd will be the date it takes over. There will be a surprise for those readers, plus special bits of art the entire week! Thank you very much for your readership...I do appreciate it!

Spiderforest Update

All righty! This week you guys get all caught up with the title. That means this will be a short week of updates as I prepare the title to resume it's once a week schedule. As it mentioned above May 2nd the updates will start back up with a surprise and a weeks worth of special art - hopefully Fan Art, but I have other things to offer should that not happen!

Should be a lot of fun! I do hope you will join me?


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