
As the Buffer Slowly Withers Away....

27 Oct, 2013 - As the Buffer Slowly Withers Away....

Well I knew the probability of it was high...I really did. Work combined with being away pretty much every weekend for a month has led to a lack of time to accomplish art. I am down to two weeks of comic pages for each title now. Sigh... Well the upside is hunting season is almost over now. I may forgo the last weekend just because everything else is so packed lately.

TOHS: Redemption ...Is available for purchase either as a print or as a Kindle download! Pick up your copy! Check out the Store for links to the version you want!

Spiderforest Comic of the Week!

The Collective has been having a cross promotion of member comics, and this is week five...this has been another item that has suffered from my lack of weekend time....heh...

I mean to remedy that right now!

To catch up...the previous COTW's have been:

World hopping and magic use!

Vampires and werewolves and other creatures of the night come out of hiding and try to coexist with humans.

Adepts can alter reality, but at a cost.

New comic about traveling to alternate worlds....

AND without further adieu:

The most interesting people stray through bars. Doubly so when many different races are among them. There is an underscore of political commentary to the comic and the 3d renders have only gotten better as the story has progressed!

This Week on Darwin Comics

(Updates Mondays)

David makes himself settle down and respond like a normal human being.

(Updates Thursdays)

Garrett's just meandering...and Sagira is set on being a part of the rest of his morning.


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