
Too Fast!

23 June, 2013 - Too Fast!

ACK! Time is flying faster than I thought! While I have this week's pages done and ready to post, I still need the following week's pages to ensure that the month/first week of July is covered!

I have no intentions of taking my drawing tablet with me (The electronic one)when I go on the real vacay! If for some reason I cannot get the two of them done, I will have to hiatus both titles until the 2nd week of July. I will let you know. I'm hoping to get them knocked out today and tomorrow. But I've got things I've got to do to prepare for vacay AND a job interview. O_o

This Week on Darwin Comics

(Updates Mondays)

David volunteers himself to go take care of the situation - despite Tom's protests.

(Updates Thursdays)

Cabal and Miranda make arrangements to get Sagira's victim back to his town none the wiser.

Other TOHS news

I was recently having issues with the commenting system. Without going into huge detail, the issue is fixed. However that means that some of your comments are going to be lost to the archive. Thank you however for all new comments! You guys are awesome!


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