
Just News

12 November, 2012

This Week on Darwin Comics

(Updates Mondays)

Perhaps Steve's putting the car before the horse with his promise...we'll have to see.

Fan Art Conest

Due to the fact that I only received one entry to the contest, there will be no requirement for judging. :( So Shaharw...please contact me about your gift. Your art will be on display all this week. Thank you very much for the support you've given over the past year to my works! You've been great.

Shaharw's entry will be posted today and will be available for viewing all week!

Trivia contest

Tuesday begins a six day run of the Plague Trivia Contest! Each day five questions will be posted. The goal is to see who can come up with the MOST correct answers to the trivia! All of the answers can be found somewhere in the archive! Good luck! Send your responses to [email protected] - and you can do it either daily or compile your answers and send them all at once! Be sure you mark your answers with the question number so I have an easier time scoring responses!

(Updates Wednesdays)

Be on the lookout for cameos from other Spiderforest titles! This week's page has THREE!


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