
Dispose of It.

4 March, 2013 - Dispose of it

(Updates Mondays)

Q has little patience at the moment it seems...Wonder if Bull is going to bother to try and argue with her over the sudden Lackey treatment.

In Other News

Forgotten Ties

Moving right along! A little over halfway through Forgotten Tie's manuscript! Should not be an issue getting the book to you guys on the scheduled April 1st release date. I am considering putting FT on a KDP program like I did with Plague, as Nook hasn't given me a single sale in the past two novel releases. So what would it hurt to put FT on the KDP Premium program for a while and see if I can earn some revenue from borrows? More on that later!

Beyond FT

I actually am planning on putting out TWO other novels this year, the sequel to Before the Fall (this fall)and the first collection of TOHS related short stories(Around Xmas).

I have a cover idea posted over on Deviant Art if you'd like to see the nearly finished concept piece. Check it out.

The short story collection is going to be a fun one. The stories range from very early in Cabal's life all the way to shortly after Redemption ends. Cabal, Renate and even some new characters have their stories told. More news on that as things progress!!


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